Monday, August 19, 2013

The Princess Fights Back

Once upon a time the beautiful Princess was living happily in her castle

Little did she know that an ancient evil was returning to plague the land

OMG! Could it be true!

It's the return of the Evil Vampire Queen! (dun-dun-dunnnnn)

(And her evil troll henchmen)

The Evil Vampire Queen and the troll crept up to the castle

And wandered the hallways looking for revenge

They came upon the bedroom of the Prince who first defeated the Evil Vampire Queen. They took care of him right away.

Meanwhile the Princess was unaware of what was happening, being busy with a model shoot for Vogue Magazine.

Suddenly, the troll attacked!

The Princess broke free and wrestled the troll, eventually putting him in a choke hold

(tweet, tweet, tweet), that was the troll taken care of

“I’ll swallow your soul!”, said the Evil Vampire Queen!

“Come get some.”, said the Princess.

They furiously lunged at each other . . .

and a vicious battle ensued.

But then the Princess, remembering her favorite movies, had a brilliant idea.

So she stopped fighting and instead invited the Evil Vampire Queen to lunch to discuss her plan.

You see she had been recently laying down some tracks . . .

and the Evil Vampire Queen and her crew would be perfect for the band!

So they recorded a hit album.

And played sold-out shows all across the kingdom.

And in the end the troll was happy because he could afford to eat all the food he wanted and he now had many friends

And the Evil Vampire Queen was happy because now she was rich and famous, and got to travel a lot.

And since the Princess didn't need any more money she gave all of the album royalties to her favorite uncle, who lived happily ever after.

Happy Birthday!