Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess
Who was taking a break from her regular duties by vacationing in her glass castle in a nearby city.
Where she entertained guests, and was especially delighted to meet a baby who was brought to the castle.
One morning the Princess was eating breakfast and enjoying the view from the castle.
Then her servant the Ogre arrived, with a dull, blank expression. “Must . . . get . . .Princess”, said the Ogre.
And he attacked!
“Again?? What the heck is your problem NOW, Ogre!?”, said the Princess.
A scuffle ensued.
The Ogre got her in a hold but the Princess slugged him.
And a neck chop took care of the Ogre.
The Princess then ran out into the city.
“I need to find the Evil Vampire Queen.”, said the Princess, “she’s probably up to her old tricks again”.
When the Princess found the Evil Vampire Queen she was shocked to see the Evil Vampire Queen also had the same, blank expression. “Must . . . get . . .Princess”, said the Evil Vampire Queen.
And the Evil Vampire Queen attacked the Princess as well as the little Prince, who happened to be nearby.
A vicious fight ensued.
The Prince distracted her with a hug
Allowing the Princess to creep up behind her . . .
And the Evil Vampire Queen was defeated.
“Something really strange is happening.”, said the Princess, and she raced back to the Castle to see if searching the Evil Vampire Queen’s rooms could provide a clue.
When she got there she covered her mouth in shock!
“Hello, Princess.”
“You can talk!? But you’re a baby.”
“A necessary deception to allow me access to the castle and slowly take over. Now having completed my plans I only need you -- as my servant.”
“Look at me Princess, and SLEEEEEEEEP.”
“What . . . what is happening?”
“Yesssssssssssssss, sleep my Princess!”
“Feeling . . . faint”, said the Princess.
Suddenly the Princess had an idea! “What’s that behind you!?”
“Where?” said the baby as he turned towards a mirror. “NOOOOOOO! Feeling . . tired . . . can’t . . . look . . . away. . .”
And the evil mind-control baby was defeated.
“Now what do I do with him?”, pondered the Princess.
So she ordered her Jailer to take him down to the dungeon.
Where he was chained to a chair so he couldn’t move.
And occasionally the Evil Vampire Queen would munch on him, drinking his precious blood.
And with the city saved the Princess enjoyed the rest of her holiday, hanging out with her handsome and clever Uncle.
Happy Birthday Princess! *hugs from Uncle*
Brilliant as always Penny!